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Proses Bangunan Bumi Salman Residence Site Plan 2023

Progres bangunan tahun 2023, site plan: Lokasi google maps: Struktur Marketing Site Plan Tukang: Batti dan Wandi masing-masing berjumlah 8  Pengawas: Ammang Bagian staf pemasaran unit lokasi dan administrasi user: Arfod Staf Marketing dan Admin: Andi HPS co-Pimpinan: Retno Adiwijaya M Direktur Utama: Hj Nur Afra YS  Tukang Batti bertugas dan mengawasi anggotanya mengerjakan blok B14, B15, B16 dan blok C29, C30, C31 dan Tukang Wandi bersama anggotanya mengerjakan blok A9 s/d A16 Proses pemasangan slop blok A Proses pondasi blok C32 telah menerima surat SP3K' Pembuatan kuseng pintu depan dan belakang Tahap pemasangan kuda-kuda blok A16 Tahap pemesangan batu merah blok B14, B15, B16 Tukang Wandi bersama anggota memasang batu merah yang telah dikirimkan by ibu Sinar dan ibu Ana Persiapan blok C31 pasang pondasi bagian belakang Pasang kuseng aluminium jendela blok B14, B15, B16

Channel Design Rumah Mini dan Petualangannya

My name is Bryce, and I'm passionate about small space design. Join me on my travels as I journey to find the very best tiny homes, alternative dwellings and stories of downsized, eco-friendly living. I'm not just watching from the side-lines though! I also get stuck in with my own small space builds. Thanks for stopping by my channel, make sure you subscribe and come along for the ride!


Cabin Reviewer! Visit my website ini adalah petualangan melihat langsung rumah mungil dan indah ditempati seperti layaknya surga rumag.

Exploring Alternatives is a hub of alternative living video content that we hope will inform and inspire you. Each week, we post a new video about people who are living in tiny houses, vans, RVs, and boats; and people who are exploring long-term travel, minimalism, zero waste living, off-grid living, and more. Subscribe to see new videos and let us know what you think in the comments! Thanks for watching and happy exploring :) Mat & Danielle


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